Why do we need smart tattoos and slingshot machines?

Only one who commits wholeheartedly to a cause with whole strength and soul can create a true technology. Therefore, new technology demands all from a person. New technology and devices are becoming everyday tools to enrich our existence. These attractive devices are a reflection of creativity, products of focus, and tools to add value in the society. Our brain craves novelty, therefore, many technologies are growing and impacting our lives exponentially. We wouldn’t discover new things if existing things captivated and attracted us for longer periods. Only completely new devices or technology activate our brain and increase our level of dopamine.

Faster and safer technologies are today’s need to cope with ever-growing population. The question is why we need exponential growth of technology? There is a very clear answer by Peter Diamandis in book “Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think.” If we look back at the history, it took 123 years to double 1 billion population to around 2 billion. But it took only 33 years to add another one billion, and surprisingly only 14 years to add 4th billion. Today, in the middle of 2019, we have around 7.8 billion people on the planet and it is projected that it would be around 10 billion by 2050. Can we sustain this growth considering our resources in perspective?

Thinking innovation is only half of the game and it is pretty much old schooling because its usefulness is the new school of technology. One way to see this challenge is how can we maximize human’s superpower brain for more useful technologies. There is a huge difference between unique innovation and useful innovation. We definitely need more of useful innovation to prosper. And, more importantly, how to connect this brain to more useful technology so that unseen resources and potentials could be target. Our brain can conceive and believe anything. It is actually two million years old and is so vital that it is the source of keen specialized knowledge economy. The key question is are we ready to invest in superhuman brain who specialize unthinkable and unimaginable.

As Stephen Covey said, the best way to predict our future is to create it. We have to make our planet livable. UN’s climate study panel has concluded that the world has to remove at least 1 trillion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere this century and Harvard climate scientist David Keith is developing direct air capture technique (carbon dioxide catcher) to pull carbon dioxide off the atmosphere. Needless to say, Ray Kurzweil from Google gave us Siri in our iPhone, and Craig Venter, a human genome pioneer, gave us artificial life. Breakthrough in technology happens when great minds change impossible to possible.

Very soon, mobile phone would be outdated, and we will be moving to wearables and implantables as seen in Hollywood movies. Smart monitoring treats diseases in real time and we can use cyber-implants that are directly connected to smartphone apps. Smart tattoos bring microparticles that can be infused under the skin like tattoo and track body’s chemistry. Cyber-pills work with microprocessors which directly communicate with doctors from inside your body. The expansion of this kind of technology will become normal in near future.

Slingshot machine is a small refrigerator that vaporizes dirty water and provides safe and clean drinking water. Its inventor Dean Kamen, an engineer, inventor, and businessman explained that this machine needs no overhaul or maintenance for five years of operation and uses less than a kilowatt of power to generate 1000 liters of pure water per day. This power is lower than the power consumption of a microwave oven. Thousand liters water is enough for 100 people for hygiene and cooking.

Furthermore, vertical farming is another technology where we can grow plants vertically, and also grow meat without killing animals. It is the practice of producing food and medicine in vertically stacked layers, vertically inclined surfaces and integrated in other structures like skyscraper and shipping container. In-vitro cloning of muscle tissue in computerized factories brings lower costs and high nutritional values. There is no environmental impact because there is no insecticides and pollution.

We have to nurture these technological explosions as tools to cope the growing population on the planet. If the population explosion continues like this, we need deliberate great minds to try something new that has never been done before to direct against existing saturation. Any new jump into the unknown is called reckless science but that’s where the human progress lies.

-Yam Timsina

Why is the discovery of new medicines so slow?

The world is changing faster than ever. Nanotechnology, 3-D printing, BioPen, robotics, and tissue regeneration will revolutionize the world soon. Science and technology are emerging in such a way that we will see the underwater cities and apartment buildings in space very soon. The cost per watt of solar energy will be less than oil and coal in near future. There is a weird way how science evolves, when Hitler was waging World War II every attention was diverted to it but at the same time some scientists were monomaniacally focused to humanity, as a result we have antibiotics and vitamins now. Could you imagine a drug which can safely eliminate the need for sleep or food? or what about a drug that makes you younger?

Relatively speaking, the discovery of new drugs to cure disease is very slow process. Why is the discovery of drug takes so long in reality? I am trying to give some insights so that people will have sense of complexity how painstaking the drug discovery process is. We always compare the growth and advancement of information technology with the slow progress of drug development. I am a fan of Peter Thiel, entrepreneur and author, and burrowing his words “we created computers ourselves and designed them to reliably obey our commands, but biotechnology is difficult because we didn’t design our body”. The discovery of medicine is very difficult process because our body’s complexity is designed by nature. We have to find out and study many small pieces of complex body and its alignment with synthesized drugs. The rise of digital health is encouraging because giant companies like Google, Apple and Samsung are showing immense interest in the drug discovery and life science industry. The one drawback we have found now is many pharmaceutical companies are focused more on patent protection of existing drugs than on the invention of new drugs.

At present, the R& D process in finding a drug takes around 13 years from the initial idea to commercialization. Drug discovery begins with product concept and ends with consumers in market. Initially, research target and synthesis of active substance (possible drug) takes about 1-2 years. These synthesized compounds are taken for pharmacological and biochemical screening before preclinical trial. The first phase of preclinical trial is for toxicity and stability of active substances. The second stage of preclinical trial devotes to pharmacokinetics, sub chronic toxicity, reproduction toxicological study and mutagenicity tests. After preclinical study, these active substances, potential drug candidates, should be non-toxic, no effects in genes, no cause in cancer or birth defects through animal study. After 1 to 2 years of research and synthesis, the complete preclinical study might take up to 2 to 4 years. After preclinical trial, clinical trial consists of three phases: phase I, Phase II and phase III. Phase I includes tolerability and pharmacokinetic study in human and also compatibility study when extended from animal to human. Phase II includes efficacy, toxicity and carcinogenicity study in human. Phase III consist of therapeutic large-scale trial, efficacy and safety proof, therapeutic advantage and study of interaction with other medications. After preclinical trial, the complete process of clinical trial may take up to 6 to 7 years depending on the situation. The interesting fact is that approximately 90 percent substances fail the clinical trial after passing animal studies, there are huge number of substances whose effects on the human body are unknown. The final part would be commercialization that includes registration with health authorities to launch and sales.  After the clinical trial, the total process of commercialization up to sales may take 2 to 4 years. In reality, one active compound out of 10,000 synthesized has a chance to become a real market drug after approximately 13 years of investment.

This is timing factor, if we consider money, it costs around $1-4 billion per drug for the major pharmaceutical companies. The more integrated approach and connection among basic research, screening stage and clinical trials will help to speed up the drug discovery process. Recent discovery of new tool like surrogate organs as a realistic, cost-effective testing of various chemical compounds could also reduce the cost and drug discovery time period.

– Yam Timsina